Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Writer's block and some other musings

Writer's block, writer's block go far away from me, Writer's block. I'm going to start writing for my weekly due in tomorrow. I searched the internet and came across a writer who wrote a book on Writer's block and helped save a lot of writers, including a best selling writer who had had Writer's block for 15 years straight. Yikes, that  sounds a bit scary. I'm thinking if I do become something like that I'd probably need to be fed through a pipe in my nose, unable to speak a coherent word or think coherent thoughts either. Be no better off than a vegetable. So I have decided after dwindling and procrastinating, imposing myself with different 'other' priorities and tasks I better start somewhere if I do not want to become like that old hag. I don't know if there is a thrill for when working on a dead line or I get more insight and inspiration to write. Whichever way, it may eventually leave me dry and shrunken like a raisin. I told myself that writing weekly columns in newspaper will brush up my writing skills and also discipline me and I want to see it that way. A successful writer said that once you start developing Writer's block the one thing you should do is keep on writing no matter what, even if the eventual result may be crap-like. Disciplining yourself is also elementary in developing your writing skill. So I have the idea in my head, I have been collecting data for the last few days to add in the column as I usually do and structured where and how I would like to start and then build up the argument. The only elusive part is penning it down. So bringing forth all forces of nature and my annoying habit to, when things are at a climax, become self-reflective and leave it hanging will try to enjoy what I want to write, what others will read from me and what I want to say from here.

So I'll come back here after sometime, till then. At least let me start somewhere.....

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